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  • Type in the words you want to search for separated by a space.
    The search engine will look for records that include all of the words.
      caribou lichen
  • If searching for a CIMP number do not use spaces. i.e., CIMP145 not CIMP 145.

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The search has two modes: Simple and Advanced. The simple search is designed to search for records that contain all words that are entered into the search box.
The advanced search allows for comprehensive search syntax such as searching just by title or abstract, including Boolean operators like AND or OR as well as wildcards and boosting terms.
By default, the advanced search will look for words within title, keywords and abstract using an OR Boolean operator if more than one term is specified.

How to search by title (Advanced search mode):

You can use search fields to narrow down what you're searching for. For example title:water will search for documents with the word water in the title.

Other search fields include keywords and abstract.
For example keywords:water will search for documents with the word water in the keywords.

Options for searching by more than one word:

There are several ways to search by more than one word.
Searching for air quality finds results with the words air or quality.
This is the same as searching for air OR quality.
Note that the boolean AND & OR keywords must be upper case.Searching for air AND quality finds results with the words air and quality. Both words must be present to be included in the results.
You can use quotes to search for a specific sequence of words: For example “air quality”.

Using Wildcards:

Use wildcards to search for similar terms as shown in these examples: value? finds ‘values’ and ‘valued’. water* finds ‘water’, ‘waters’, ‘watercourse’ etc. air~ finds all words that begin with air but also similar words such as ‘aid’ will be found further down the list.

Interested in information related to a specific location?

Zoom or Pan the map to define the area you are interested in. When you click search, the results will be spatially filtered depending on the filter option selected above the map.

Filters and Additional Search Options:

Expand the Search Filters to filter results by Subject Area or Date. There is also an option for specifying the sort order of results (e.g. by relevance or date)
Read the full HELP documentation for more advice as well as the online Geoportal search documentation here Using-Lucene-Search-Text-Queries.
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