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Land cover map along the Inuvik-Tuktoyaktuk Highway corridor

File Identifier: 12664_iso.xml
Metadata Language: eng; CAN
: utf8
Resource Type: Dataset
Responsible Party:
Individual Name: Polar Data Catalogue
Organisation Name: Canadian Cryospheric Information Network
Role: Point Of Contact
Contact Info:
Voice: (519) 888-4567 x32689
Street Address: 200 University Avenue West, University of Waterloo
City: Waterloo
Province/State: Ontario
Postal Code/ZIP: N2L 3G1
Country: Canada
E-Mail Address:
Metadata Date: 2016-03-24
Metadata Standard Name: North American Profile of ISO 19115:2003
Metadata Standard Version: 2009-01-01
Data Identification
Abstract: This land cover map was developed using isodata unsupervised classification method based on two SPOT 4 scenes (both acquired on 4 September 2006) and one SPOT 5 scene (acquired on 27 August 2007). The ITH corridor was classified into 14 land cover types at 20 m spatial resolution. CODE DESCRIPTIONS: 0-Water bodies or outside the map area; 1-Forest dominated by coniferous trees, mainly spruce; 2-Forest dominated by deciduous trees; 3-Shrub with sparse trees; 4-High and dense shrubs (>1.0m); 5-Medium to high shrubs (0.5-1.0m); 6-Medium height shrubs (about 0.5m); 7-Sparse shrubs in slopes; 8-Sedge/shrub low lands; 9-Shrub/sedge polygons; 10-Wetland with small water bodies, usually wide trenches; 11-Seasonally flooded wetland, usually near lake shores; 12-Mixture of water and land, usually along lake shores; 13-Barren land (non-vegetated area, streets, roads, airports). The image is in 8 bits (or 1 byte) binary format (0-13) containing 7863 lines and 5182 pixels. The projection is in UTM 8W D122 at 20 m spatial resolution (Upper left: 513660 E,7734000 N; Lower right: 617300 E, 7576740 N).
Purpose: This land cover map was developed mainly for permafrost mapping along the Inuvik-Tuktoyaktuk Highway (ITH) corridor. Along the ITH corridor, vegetation changes from forest in the south to typical arctic tundra in the north. Vegetation conditions play important roles affecting permafrost, and they also are indicators of snow and subsurface conditions, which are critical for permafrost as well.
Language: eng; CAN
Contact Info:
Title: Land cover map along the Inuvik-Tuktoyaktuk Highway corridor
Date: 2016-03-24
Date Type: Publication Date
Individual Name: Zhang, Yu
Role: Principal Investigator
Individual Name: Zhang, Yu
Point Of Contact:
Individual Name: Polar Data Catalogue
Organisation Name: Canadian Cryospheric Information Network
Role: Point Of Contact
Contact Info:
Voice: (519) 888-4567 x32689
Street Address: 200 University Avenue West, University of Waterloo
City: Waterloo
Province/State: Ontario
Postal Code/ZIP: N2L 3G1
Country: Canada
E-Mail Address:
Online Resource:
Topic Category: Environment and Conservation
Keyword Collection:
Keyword: Land cover
Keyword: Maps
Keyword: Permafrost
Keyword: Satellite imagery
Keyword: Tuktoyaktuk Peninsula
Keyword: Vegetation
Associated Thesaurus: Polar Data Catalogue Thesaurus (Canada)
Keyword: Inuvik-Tuktoyaktuk highway corridor, Northwest Territories, Canada
Spatial Extent:
West Bounding Longitude: -135
East Bounding Longitude: -132
North Bounding Latitude: 70
South Bounding Latitude: 68
Legal Constraints:
Access Constraints: Other Restrictions
Use Constraints: Other Restrictions
Other Constraints: Terms of Use of the Polar Data Catalogue:
Distribution Format:
Format Name: Digital file
Format Version: 1.0
Distributor Contact:
Individual Name: Polar Data Catalogue
Organisation Name: Canadian Cryospheric Information Network
Role: Distributor
Contact Info:
Voice: (519) 888-4567 x32689
Street Address: 200 University Avenue West, University of Waterloo
City: Waterloo
Province/State: Ontario
Postal Code/ZIP: N2L 3G1
Country: Canada
E-Mail Address:
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